Last night I settled in front of my massive big screen with a large coke and some popcorn. My pet chameleon, Bon Jovi, sat on my shoulder. I was so excited about the Presidential debate I could barely wait until 8:00 pm.
Soon it became clear that my favorite, Obama, was not at his best; a bit tired, maybe a touch of meningitis or West Nile. But of course, that doesn't change a committed voter like myself who is in favor of his philosophies, especially the Affordable Care Act.
Mitt Romney was amped; maybe on Red Bull, maybe a bug up his derriere; who knows what gets him going other than money and watching people suffer. But then I realized my peripheral vision kept catching a flicker of something; something like flashes of colors and I realized Bon Jovi was changing colors whenever Romney got worked up and blurted out statistics.
"Are you okay Bon Jovi," I asked. He stared at me. Then back to the tube.
Finally, when Romney claimed his healthcare plan would cover preexisting conditions, Bon Jovi turned into a kaleidoscope of colors; changing like a baby's diaper at a barbeque.
It was then I realized what was happening.
"It takes a chameleon to know one, doesn't it, Buddy? And I don't mean anything against you."
Bon Jovi bopped his head as only a lizard can. Then spit up a bug on my shirt.