London - Two imprisoned comedic actors escaped today amid the confusion of the summer Olympics. The two Americans, actors Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder, had been imprisoned in Buckingham Palace over two decades ago by Prince William, who lovingly ordered then held after viewing them in the movie Stir Crazy.
Prince William, it must be told, has a highly developed sense of humor, more so than the average commoner, and begged his mother, Her Royal Highness, to hold the actors as his "royal guests", apparently with such vigor and determination that Her Majesty finally gave in just to shut him up.
William, it was rumored, converted an upstairs bedroom in the palace into an exact duplicate of the tiny prison cell featured in the movie, where the unfortunate actors had been held all these years.
However, it was said by other royal family members that both Pryor and Wilder were none to happy about being imprisoned, even if was in a palace, and refused to reenact their hilarious scenes from the movie for the Prince, who, despite begging and begging and begging, couldn't persuade the unruly Americans to comply.
Prince William sadly announced that it was during the Olympic rodeo bull riding contest, which both actors volunteered to enter, that they made their escape today.
London Police detective James Smitemore said the prince begged and begged the Police Department to search for the pair, saying "I want my chums back", and so the police finally gave in just to shut him up
Detective Smitemore described the fugitive Richard Pryor as "a short son of a bitch, his daddy was a short son of a bitch, his mother was shorter than him, and his brother, his brother was so short you couldn't even see him."