Sean "The Patriot" Hannity Tells It Like It Isn't

Funny story written by Simon Saunders

Friday, 27 April 2012

image for Sean "The Patriot" Hannity Tells It Like It Isn't
This is what Sean Hannity sees when he looks in the mirror.

Fox News' most demented commentator has made his most outrageous attempt yet to discredit President Obama by claiming that he is an alien sent from Mars to destroy the USA.

Ranting on his daily Conservative propaganda juggernaut, Ronald Reagan wannabe Hannity, told one of his guests, closet lesbian Dick Morris that Obama arrived on Earth cunningly disguised as a human being sometime in the mid 1980's.

Hannity claims that this explains why records of Obama's past are so vague and it is also the reason why nobody remembers him from his college years.

Serial hypocrite Hannity reckons he knows this is true because he made it all up himself in his mother's basement while hiding from the Muslim Brotherhood.

Hannity, who claimed the "Greatest Journalist Ever In The History Of The World" award at a ceremony he created and organised himself reckons that anyone who votes for Obama must also be an alien.

Smug faced Hannity commented, "I know for a fact that Alan Colmes and Bob Beckel are aliens. They will definetly be voting for Obama. I think that illustrates my point perfectly."

With that sort of logic, who can argue with Hannity? The answer is no-one because Hannity will just talk over you till you lose the will to live.

In my capacity as a lowly reporter, I believe that if President Obama secures a second term Hannity may become the first case of spontaneous combustion live on cable news television.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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