Intelligentsia Society in trouble with the Political Correctness Brigade

Funny story written by IainB

Sunday, 26 June 2011

image for Intelligentsia Society in trouble with the Political Correctness Brigade
All phrenology heads are male, how sexist is that?

Mensa, the society for people with IQs that put them in the top one hundred percent of the population, has come under fire for being misogynistic.

"Their very name shows the very barrier to women we are trying to destroy," said Philamina Black, head of the militant wing of the Political Correctness Society (that has no entry criteria, anybody can join). "MENsa? Why pick such an obviously male dominated name?"

The PCS have previously successfully had manhole covers renamed 'drainage covers', chairmen renamed 'chairs', actresses renamed 'actors' and comediennes renamed 'comedians' despite reservations on their behalf that the last three letters of comedian are a male name.

"We believe that they will struggle," said Mensa chair, Donna Kobieta. "Nearly sixty percent of our members, fifty-nine point three seven four percent to be precise, are women. The word Mensa is Latin for 'table'. Latin has gender based nouns, and the word is a feminine noun. They have also elected me as their current chair, and Donna is Italian for woman, whilst Kobieta is Polish for woman. My parents lacked imagination. We feel that Ms Black has targeted our society because we didn't let her join."

"We'll win!" Black said. "The high faluting arguments that they put forward won't wash. As soon as we mention Political Correctness, we always win."

Philamina's diatribe was cut short when the ambulance from the Institute for People of Diminished Capacity (another of Black's victories) arrived to take her back.

"We also think stewards should be using a non-gender specific name!" Black cried as she was dragged away. "And the Italian for 'hand' is mano, that's got to change!"

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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