Currys Are Us

Funny story written by Mr Goster

Friday, 4 March 2011

image for Currys Are Us
Naam Breads Are Us

High Street Electrical giant Currys have just announced that as from Monday, not only can you browse for all your electrical needs, you can also order your tea!

Joint owners, Edwina and Tim Curry are delighted with the plan, and Tim explained how it works.

'During the week, nearly 50% of our customers come into the store after work. They know that whatever they want, or any help they may need takes time, as all our staff are either pretending to be extremely busy with another customer, or hiding in the stores having a crafty fag.

This means customers wander around aimlessly for 15-20 minutes, often with the kids in tow. Eventually, one of our staff will hopefully be able to help, but while our customers were waiting we started offering complimentary poppadums and it just mushroomed from there. Everyone loved it, and we will now have an Indian Take Away in most of our major stores.

It really ticks all the boxes. If a family are stuck in our stores waiting for service, the last thing they want is to go home and have to cook a meal for all the family. All English people love an Indian so they can order on site and go home happy. They really do get the best of both worlds, the latest gadget they came in for, and a lovely take away meal. I should have thought of this years ago.'

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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