Hurrah! It's National Chip Week!

Funny story written by Skoob1999

Sunday, 20 February 2011

image for Hurrah! It's National Chip Week!
Proper Chips With Peas And Fish.

Buoyant Britain this week celebrates National Chip Week - that is 'chips' as in deep fried potato chunks, as opposed to what our American friends call 'chips' - which are actually 'crisps.' Our chips are the kind of deep fried delicacy one might associate with fried fish in batter, pies, fried eggs, sausages and baked beans.

And forget all those fancy condiments like balsamic vinegar, sea salt, ketchup, mayonnaise and brown sauce. The great British chip comes into its own as a culinary delight with a sprinkling of bog standard table salt and lashings of malt vinegar.

Chip experts, such as Master Fryer, Bob Bird of Barnoldswick insist that Maris Piper potatoes make the best chips, or even whites and Ormskirks, but new potatoes and Jersey Royals make rubbish chips.

This week, chip mad Britons will be consuming that great traditional delicacy, the chip butty. In simple terms, the chip butty consists of buttered slices of bread, or a buttered roll, stuffed with chips.

Although it's hard to dispute that chips can be unhealthy - generally speaking, real chips aren't all that unhealthy, and can be feasted on with gay abandon during National Chip Week.

The unhealthy chips are those itty bitty skinny things they sell in fast food joints. And oven chips. Nobody likes oven chips.

So these two types of 'chip' will not be celebrated during National Chip Week. Because they aren't really chips at all.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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