17 Year Old Hits 40 Stone (560lbs)

Funny story written by Skoob1999

Monday, 21 February 2011

image for 17 Year Old Hits 40 Stone (560lbs)
Is It Dinner Time Yet?

It's probably self inflicted by morbid over eating, but here at Skoob News we were devastated to learn that a 17 year old could find herself in such dire straits.

The very fact that this girl finds herself in a situation where the likelihood of her ever seeing her 21st birthday seems increasingly remote is a tragedy.

So why has this been allowed to happen?

Is there blame to be apportioned? Of course there is. For a kid to slam the scales at the age of 17 at 560lbs, there must have been a history.

What on earth compels so-called responsible adults to continue to stuff food down the throat of an obviously obese child - because this can in no way be a recent development.

It must have been going on for years.

So, take a bow, all the people who participated in this girl's tragedy. You didn't only contribute to her poor health - you contributed (more accurately, deducted) a good deal of taxpayers' money.

But then, you obviously don't give a shit either way. You probably define it as freedom of choice. Despite the fact that it involves contempt for your peers and a total disregard for the welfare of 'a loved one.'

Now don't that make you feel proud?

That's what I call satire - disgraced SEN former supremo, Buffty Ginslinger.

More as we get it.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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