It's probably self inflicted by morbid over eating, but here at Skoob News we were devastated to learn that a 17 year old could find herself in such dire straits.
The very fact that this girl finds herself in a situation where the likelihood of her ever seeing her 21st birthday seems increasingly remote is a tragedy.
So why has this been allowed to happen?
Is there blame to be apportioned? Of course there is. For a kid to slam the scales at the age of 17 at 560lbs, there must have been a history.
What on earth compels so-called responsible adults to continue to stuff food down the throat of an obviously obese child - because this can in no way be a recent development.
It must have been going on for years.
So, take a bow, all the people who participated in this girl's tragedy. You didn't only contribute to her poor health - you contributed (more accurately, deducted) a good deal of taxpayers' money.
But then, you obviously don't give a shit either way. You probably define it as freedom of choice. Despite the fact that it involves contempt for your peers and a total disregard for the welfare of 'a loved one.'
Now don't that make you feel proud?
That's what I call satire - disgraced SEN former supremo, Buffty Ginslinger.
More as we get it.