In a ground breaking move today, a Judge at a Lincolnshire court stunned the packed courthouse with his ruling that a dog should have custody rites to all his litter. Jack Russell, the delighted owner of the dog in question explained how events had unfolded.
'I've known Des, my Border Collie since he was six weeks old and he's been a great friend to me. When he met Rachel, the bitch, another Collie I sensed something wasn't quite right, and as time went on they always seemed to be arguing. Then of course, she gets pregnant and meets someone else before the litter were born. Well, Des was cut in two , heartbroken he was, so I decided to step in. After all, me and Des can look after the pups, no problem. That silly bitch can rot in hell for all I care now. She's made her dog basket, she'd better lie in it. I'm just grateful that Judge Quiteright made the correct decision."
It now gives protection to all male dogs and lays down a marker for any in a similar situation. '
Rachel was unavailable for comment.