Britain Accidentally Under Control of Ten-Year Old

Funny story written by Inhopeless

Sunday, 14 November 2010

image for Britain Accidentally Under Control of Ten-Year Old
The 'Bestedest' Prime Minister

LONDON - A young boy who had escaped from a tour group of the Houses of Parliament had taken control of the British Government, for a range of 20 minutes.

Jack Johnson, 10, was lost from his tour group at 3.40pm, and entered the Commons, where he sat in the spot reserved for David Cameron.

Jack then filed orders for the entire military to attack local bully Sam Rogers, the FSA to builid him a giant ice-cream and arrange peace talks with the Taliban and Al-Qaeda.

Security cameras recorded him planting his glutemus maxiumus (Latin for bottom) on the seat. He then scribbled 'Jack is the best' over Cameron's papers, and edited Cameron's plans to make sure Britain actually does get out debt and restores the economy.

Experts then reckond that from there, he ordered the Teletubbies to run a 24-hour marathon on the TV, and told people that he was to invest highly in hydrogen power by smearing an equation for storing it safely on Parliament walls.

He then decided that he would step down, because he was getting 'bored'.

Experts have agreed that for his reign was short, Jack was the best Prime Minister to ever have stepped foot in the House.

Jack then rejoined his tour group, and told the girl next to him that 'she smelt', and shouldn't worry about 'that Sam guy'.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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