Sun Brainless

Funny story written by j.w.

Thursday, 11 November 2010


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image for Sun Brainless
The Sun Shines into the Future

In an extraordinary confession the Sun has stated that it is BRAINLESS

In an editorial the paper comments: 'We realise that ogling women's bums and breasts is for those who have a limited appetite for news. We are therefore not qualified to pass any judgement on stories in the news.'

This insight came when irate students, who had broken into the Wapping offices of News International, to protest at increases in student fees, talked amiably to the Editor.

'Your actions are quite justified' he announced 'it would reduce the whole population to the level of Sun readers if University education was endangered.'

A Police Chief who ambled into the Sun office to have a word with the students asked about the best courses for his son who was hoping to go to University. 'I wish I had gone myself' he joked 'I might have understood that people with brains are more useful to society than those who hit others over the head.'

The party broke up in euphoria as everyone agreed it was 'good to chat'.

One student who had entered the building in fury declared: 'These good people have seen the light.'

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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