RUC vows to return George Cross in Blair memoir calumny protest

Funny story written by queen mudder

Monday, 23 August 2010

image for RUC vows to return George Cross in Blair memoir calumny protest
Feckin cunts

Belfast - (IRAq Mess): "Feckin hush money!" is how one disgusted ex-RUC commander described Tony Blair's £4 million bung to the Royal British Legion today.

The outburst follows reports that RUC veterans want to return the prestigeous George Cross awarded in 2000.

Former Constabulary commanders are said to be appalled at the forthcoming Blair hagiography's etiolation of warmongering accomplice George W Bush.

RUC CEO Sir Ronnie O'Flabbergasted said today the IRA was a flag of convenience shielding feckless Bush family mafia terror.

"Fetid little swine," Sir Ronnie commented, "sweet talking their way to a billion dollar riches.

"Wish we'd busted them back in '82 over that Shergar business."

The George Cross was awarded to the disbanded Northern Ireland police corps in recognition of outstanding bravery in the face of terror.

Critics warned at that time that it was a reckless publicity stunt designed to make Northern Ireland Secretary Peter Mandelson look good.

The Rev Ian Paisley is 104.

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