UK taxpayers incensed with having to foot 12-million pounds Pope entourage bills

Funny story written by shea lo

Monday, 16 August 2010

OK all you bankrupt Brits get ready for the Pope Ratfinker Road show - A modern day Nero with his Circus-Maximus troupe. Replete with all the ceremonial hogwash, glittering frippery and regalia and an entourage of blood-sucking, hangers-on.

Your share of this 4-day "Royal" spectacle will only be 12 million pounds - and that's only 50% over the original estimate.

On the positive side - the Popatus and his henchmen won't get free mini-bar privileges. That's because YourGov has 'put money aside' for daily essentials! No doubt this will please poor pensioners lining up for their cheques.

Any one of you out there asking why this 21st century Roman Emperor sitting on a fortune of 30 billion pounds is visiting C of E Britain and expecting ordinary citizens to pick up his tab? How does he connect with ordinary, struggling poor folk? How will his visit improve the livelihood of everyday Brits?

What in the name of plain old common-sense, does this self-absorbed, narcissistic old man and his corporation of greedy crooks have in common with the barefoot Jesus who preached in the wilderness and took refuge in caves?

Oh, wait a minute - that's how the Vatican was built - on the backs of the hard-working poor. Ole 'enery must surely be rolling in his grave!

Perhaps the German Popatus will publicly atone for the sins of his priests and the grievous harm the Church has caused to innocent children and their families.

Then again - don't hold your breath!

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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