Simon Cowell searches for Alien talent

Funny story written by goldie 206

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Simon Cowell Has admitted that after his succesfull shows in every country on earth such as "x factor", "Britain's got tallent" "American Idol", "Russian rave" "Eskimo entertainer" and "Cambodian crooner" new talent on Earth is rarer than oil and by the year 2014 we will have no new entertainers left.

He has already searched the oceans for singing talent coming up with a world best selling "WHALES THE LAND OF SONG" and "Dolphins sing Elvis hits". But now his search for stars is literally somewhere out there.

He has joined forces with Sir Richard Branson to use the nearly ready revolutionary "Virgin Space Vehicle" and has paid Nasa to send a golden disc of Cheryl Tweedy Cole and Gareth Gates with Will young doing the backing into orbit around the outer planets in the hope some passing space ship will pick it up and come to Earth to compete.

Simon first got the idea about alien talent when he saw "Star wars" and saw the jaz players in the bar on Tantaween as well as the Urovian dancers entertaining "Jaba The Hut". So the plan is to fly around the planets and anounce via the Photon loud hailer that Earth is looking for new tallent.

He will shout as he passes every planet "I can make you a star". If a "Saturnian singer" or a "Jupiter joker" can be encouraged to come to Earth great riches await them (as well as Simon and sir Richard).

Sir Richard plans to re-open "Virgin space records" and buy the island of America with the proceeds. In a joint statement they said "the new show will be out of this world".

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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