Dowler cops dredge Princess Diana Fountain

Funny story written by queen mudder

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

image for Dowler cops dredge Princess Diana Fountain
Trawling the depths: the Princess Diana Fountain

London - (Clunkers): A tip-off has sent police frogmen to the Diana, Princess of Wales Mammorial Fountain and its taxpayer-funded duck house.

They are looking for the car which may have been part of Milly Dowler's 2002 abduction.

The Red Daewoo Nexia was caught on CCTV not a million miles from Whorseguards before plunging headlong into the royal mire.

"We've found all kinds of crap in there before," the head of the Met's diving team said today.

"Shergar's bridle, Lord Lucan's bikini, Barack Obama's wide berth certificate.

"Who knows what might be next."

Buckingham Palace's ornamental lake could well be next if the royal Hype Park water feature fails to yield its suspected booty.

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