'Diana's harvested eggs for sale on eLay' furor

Funny story written by queen mudder

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

image for 'Diana's harvested eggs for sale on eLay' furor
Royal nestegg worth a fortune

London - (Humpty Dumpty Mess): Palace sources have reacted with horror at reports that Princess Diana's unused IVF eggs have somehow ended up on online auction organ eLay.

The $5 million price tag on each unfertilised 'double-yolker' specimen was to have secured a much needed nestegg to continue the princess's dynastic crusade.

The news comes amid fresh claims by a royal inquest QC that the late princess's intellectual (sic) property was at the heart of the 1997 assassination.

The extinguished barrister's biography grapples with a brand new conspiracy theory alleging some of the world's greatest brains 'like Stephen Hawking and Sir Fred Goodwin' had been lined up to fertilise the ova to produce the royal hybrid phalanx.

Paul Burrell is 69.

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