Oxfordshire PCT discovers something more serious than life and death

Funny story written by Halo Jones

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Oxfordshire Primary Care Trust (PCT) has discovered something that is literally more serious than life and death, and that is budgeting.

Cancer patients are dying for want of drugs denied to them by the PCT (Primarily we don't Care and you shouldn't Trust us) and potential parents are being denied funding for treatments which could help them to create life. But according to the PCT it 'ain't that serious' and funding can only be supplied in 'exceptional circumstances'.

According to them dying or being infertile just isn't serious enough to make the PCT spend some of their surplus money, estimated to be around £5M by the end of the year because they are saving it for 'emergencies'. What these emergencies were, Lubja 'Stickupherarze' and Android Young would not comment at this time.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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