Need a crap? Stay in touch!

Funny story written by Double Diamond

Tuesday, 19 August 2008

image for Need a crap? Stay in touch!
Don't let your bowel movements dictate your day....

Given the severe pressures the UK business community is currently experiencing, an innovative company has come up with a system to increase productivity.

I think we've all been there, at work, when the need to visit the toilet (Restroom for you yanks) intrudes on our daily work schedule.

So to combat this, the very latest in toilet communications technology has been devised.

Imagine the scenario….. you're sat on the pan, pinching off your daily loaf, when that all important business call comes through. The call that's going to make your month, but you can't take that call. You're sat on the crapper.

Installation of the "Crapcom™" communications system in your lavatory today will solve that problem. Complete with telephone, video uplink and fax machine, you can continue your daily work schedule, regardless of what your bowel movements may try to dictate.

And for those of us on the move? The "Crapcom Piss-sack™" could be the answer. Simply connect the catheter and off you go!

So don't delay, work your employees to death and install "Crapcom™" NOW!

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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