Man who spent £200,000 on a rare rolex realises he would have preferred a house

Funny story written by Ben Macnair

Sunday, 21 January 2018

image for Man who spent £200,000 on a rare rolex realises he would have preferred a house
No, he is not the world's biggest idiot. I am the world's biggest idiot.....

Idiot Wayne Badger from Stow on the Wold instantly regretted spending more than £200,000 on a very rare Rolex watch, as he realised he would not be able to live in it.

Teresa Badger, the idiots long suffering wife said 'Honestly, my Wayne, much as I love him, is an idiot. What can we do with a second hand watch that cost that much? The kids need new shoes and clothes, and the greedy beggars are always needing more food'

Wayne chipped in 'I thought it would be a good family heirloom, one to pass onto the kids, but now I realise that a set of plates from my Grandparent's house, that we have in the garage would have done just as well'

'Still' said Teresa,'at least the world now knows how much of an idiot I married seven years ago'

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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