The Queen was briefly interviewed by the Spanish Inquisition during the Royal Vatican Inspection last week it was revealed. After arriving at The Vatican with twelve articulated trucks full of dirty money and 4 Transits full of bedraggled swans intended for the excellent money laundering facility behind St. Peter's Basilica, the arrest took place.
Pope Francis explained through The Inquisitors' translators that money laundering was now carried out by the Mafia after the Vatican tumble driers had been damaged in a fire ar Christmas. The arrest was apparently a misunderstanding and related to the Swan consignment paperwork which should have been signed by King Henry VIII.
The dirty money, mostly in £50 notes, was washed in the Vatican's dry cleaners after a re-negotiation of the costs and permission was granted to burn 50 Catholics at the stake undercover on bonfire night. The laundered money, thought to be cash from Buckingham Palace Souvenir Rackets was returned to the trucks and arrived safely back at the Palace this morning.