France's hopes of becoming the World Cup champions were dashed yet a third straight time as they were beaten squarely by South Africa with a final score of 2 to 1. Although the win wasn't enough to keep South Africa in the games, the bigger story is the French team's return home. And one must admit that France were never really in it (from the beginning) to win it.
So the team had to fly home second class. While the majority of French people stayed home instead of welcoming the team at the airport in Paris, there was one large group of women who were plenty happy to see their soccer players. The girls from Café Zaman, a trendy Paris night club where players Franck Ribery and Karim Benzema were caught and charged with having sex with an underage prostitute, showed up in full support of the team when no one else wanted anything to do with them.
Said one girl, Lola Humpsalot, "we are very hahpee to have the boys back in Paree and we will make sure they do not want for anysing, ok Cherie? They are our heroes no matter what."
Limos were waiting to whisk the team players directly to the club for some much needed rest and relaxation. Said Ribery, "so what if we didn't win the World Cup. There are many more important things in life than playing soccer, you know?" and off he went into the nightclub seemingly unfazed by the fact that be brought shame to the name of French soccer, but happee in ze fact that he will be bringing much more to his team than soccer ever could have.