There's a failing marriage in Newcastle but according to a marital adviser who wished to remain nameless Joe Kinnear is doing everything he can to rescue the relationship.
Despite Michael Owens' complaints about alienation of affection and cold pot roast dinners, an anonymous relationship therapist defended Owen's partner Joe Kinnear:
"As far as I can tell, Joe means it when he says that he will do ANYTHING to keep Owen. The poor bloke comes to me office daily desperate for advice on how to make his man happy. He says he's taken all my counsel and still lays awake worrying that Owens will fly the coop, a cooperative apartment they share in a posh part of Newcastle.
"He's given the massage with the happy ending, God knows how many times and the sad sack has more blisters on his knees than Monica L. If the union fails, it won't be because Joe didn't try and if that ungrateful M.O. walks out, I've already told J.K. that there's a place in my coop for a good boy like him..."