London - (ReUterus & Ass mess): A Bahraini princelet's £5 million lawsuit against Michael Jackson is to be moved from the Royal Courts of Justice to a Sharia court in rural Warwickshire.
Jackson confirmed the news as his plane touched down in Thiefrow Airport ahead of Monday's much publicised legal hearing.
The development follow the singer's acceptance of an undisclosed $$$s bung from Sordid Arabia's Prince Bandar to convert to the Muslim faith.
In return his $400 million debts have been converted into futures options - a financial technical term akin to an IOU - underwritten by the Somali subsidiary of Lehman Brothers Bank.
The announcement comes from a Warwickshire Islamic college, The Muslim Arbitration Tribunal, which will adjudicate in the Bahraini dispute.
Jackson's ownership of the Beatles Songbook is one of the biggest scams of the 20th/21st centuries.