Hitler's grandson called up to German football squad

Funny story written by MonkeyInTheBath

Wednesday, 19 November 2008

image for Hitler's grandson called up to German football squad
Herman Hitler models Germany's new football strip

After a vast number of injuries to the German football team, national coach Herman Bimmler has been forced to call up some lesser known players for this evening's friendly match against England.

Controversially, Herman Hitler, the illegitimate grandson of Adolf Hitler, will play for Germany. Hitler is a right winger with a lightning attack although it is alleged he only has one ball technique.

The German coach has also called up David Hasselhoff, as coach Bimmler explained, "Ve vil probably vin. After all, zey have an Italian manager, you should never collaborate vis zose useless vops.

"Also ve are bringing in ze Hoff to improve ze morale of our troops - I mean our fans!"

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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