INDIANAPOLIS - The owner and CEO of the Indianapolis Colts, James Orsay, has informed the team coaches and players that he is considering changing the team name.
Orsay stated that he really and truly feels that the time is ripe to inject a new team name in order to get back the team spirit of years past.
He said that he recently spoke to a son of former Colts great Johnny Unitas (#19) and he agreed with the coach. Orsay said that Johnny U's son even suggested a new team name.
The son of the greatest quarterback in Colts history told Orsay that he thought that the Colts should become the Stallions.
He said that it's a much more fierce sounding name. He advised that the team could keep the horseshoe logo.
Head Coach Chuck Pagano wondered about the team mascot Blue. He was told that Blue would go from being a little colt to being a big stallion.
Pagano liked that as did 18-year veteran place kicker Adam Vinatieri (#4).
SIDENOTE: Coach Pagano took a poll of his players and 77 percent said that they thought that the name Indianapolis Stallions has a good ring to it.