The results of an extensive and detailed study from the Centra De Observations Humanity at the illustrious University of Nowhere have finally shown that the old adage is indeed correct, people aren't half as stupid as they look. While an accurate and global multiplier for human idiocy compared to gormless expressions is hard to categorically state this report seems to indicate people are somewhere between one and a half and three times as stupid as they look. These results will come as a shock to those that manage to read it, let alone understand it.
The lead researcher on the project, Dr Imanarana Bofenee, was shocked by his teams discoveries, ‘When we started this project over three years ago, to be honest we were pretty bored at the time, we felt it was the sort of unanswerable question that would keep us employed for decades, now what are we to do?'. It seems that in recent months a wealth of information came available for analysis that has vastly sped up the pace of research. Dr. Bofenee is quoted as saying ‘Never before have so many complete idiots let so few evil men deceive and kill in their names.'
There appears to be a worrying trend in this report with the average stupidity level raising alarmingly. Dr Bofenee's results indicate that when the phrase was first being used around the turn off the last century people were perhaps only one quarter stupid as they look, with the figure as it is now predictions of a ten to fifteen times ‘as stupid' factor are expected within our lifetimes, truly worrying news indeed.