Start Of Winter? Rubbish - We're Just Bored, Swans Insist

Funny story written by Ellis Ian Fields

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

image for Start Of Winter? Rubbish - We're Just Bored, Swans Insist
A water bird, but not a swan

Fears that the early arrival of eight Siberian Swans in Gloucestershire heralds the start of an arctic winter were rubbished today.

The migrating birds fly 2,500 miles from Russia every year and according to folklore, their early arrival in the UK means we are in for a long, dark winter.

So we went to the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust reserve to investigate. The Bewick swans, as they are also known, seemed perfectly happy and rather surprised to see us.

One of them, Yuri, said: "No... is fine. We leave Siberia because we were bored, not escape rotten weather.

"Me and Sacha, we like to fly. Also, we have date with couple of pretty ducks, you know? Is party time with English girls in Gloucester.

"Other guys, they say they arrive later - still have business in Siberia. Me and these guys - we finish early, is all."

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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