At the UKIP annual New Years Eve party in Buckinghamshire Palace, party members ate so many of the Duke of Edinburgh's swans that the Duchess of Cambridge had to go out into the gardens and shoot a hundred more. Swans are always on the menu at th...
NEW YORK CITY - FOX News reporter Megyn Kelly who has been involved in a bit of a brouhaha herself lately, said in an interview with GOPicky Magazine that Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson is being unfairly judged. Kelly stated that Robertson did not...
Here at the Mail, we ask the questions that nobody wants answered. Today we look at a problem that some scientists say, may or may not exist - Could Feminism be molesting Britain's Swans? Feminists - When they are not busy bringing about the destruction of the family unit or turning the male population into eunuchs, they are now turning their malicious harridan claws on Britain's much cherishe...
The Siberian Swans who have arrived at Gloucester, prompting fears that we are in for a long, dark winter are already fed up with English weather. As we reported yesterday we spoke to one of the swans - Yuri - who told us he and his mates just wan...
Fears that the early arrival of eight Siberian Swans in Gloucestershire heralds the start of an arctic winter were rubbished today. The migrating birds fly 2,500 miles from Russia every year and according to folklore, their early arrival in the UK...
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