The Amazing Athlete's Foot Pill

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Friday, 5 October 2012

image for The Amazing Athlete's Foot Pill
A photo showing eighteen X-17 Alpha Athlete's Foot Pills.

BANGOR, Wales - After an extensive two-year research study a group of Welsh scientists in Bangor, Wales have developed an astounding pill.

Dr. Bryce F. Cardiffpool, 57, and his associate Dr. Cadwallader P. Pontypridd, 43, have invented a pill they named the X-17 Alpha Athlete's Foot Pill.

The X-17 Alpha, when swallowed with six ounces of prune juice, completely cures the dreaded athlete's foot in only 17 seconds.

Dr. Cardiffpool stated that the revolutionary discovery is truly one of the most amazing in the annals of modern socialized medicine.

He did add that there is one small problem and that is that the pills, for some strange unknown reason, only work on athletes.

He noted that the X-17 Alpha Athlete's Foot Pills were administered to research groups comprising of receptionists, auto mechanics, stand up comedians, and gynecologists, and the pills just simply did not work on them.

Dr. Pontypridd stated that he and Dr. Cardiffpool have applied for a $2.3 million research grant from the international research study grant agency Grants 'R' Us, and they hope to develop an athlete's foot pill that works on everyone and not just on athletes.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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