The Voyager 1 spacecraft, launched from Earth in 1977, has been attacked by an unidentified object, some speculating it could be a UFO or a laser beam fired from just beyond our solar system.
NASA lost contact with the spacecraft at approximately noon EST, according to a hurried press release, claiming that images beamed from Voyager suggest a laser beam was fired from an unidentified source, possibly another spacecraft travelling at speed or a planet based laser defense system.
Voyager 1 and its identical sister ship, Voyager 2, also launched in 1977, between them explored all of the solar system's outer planets of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune in the 1980s.
Back in 2004, the spacecraft crossed a boundary called the "termination shock," where the solar winds slow as they first meet interstellar space, which some scientists thought was the edge of the solar system. It now seems Voyager crossed out of our solar system and encroached in another, thus leading to what many are speculating could be the human races first contact with intelligent life forms.
NASA has though hinted that the destruction of Voyager 1 could be construed as an act or war and reports that a fleet of unidentified spacecraft, massing on the edge of our solar system could be the first wave of a retaliatory attack on planet within our system is mere speculation at this juncture.