Basil Blathering's Church Ladies 'Think-Tank' See China and Russia Taking over the World

Funny story written by UncleDale

Wednesday, 15 March 2023

image for Basil Blathering's Church Ladies 'Think-Tank' See China and Russia Taking over the World
Fuck off Putin.

Basil Blathering, editor of the Olde Church News, also runs the group of his 'Current Affairs' Church Ladies.

These are very 'sharp' women who have been through the 'Meat Grinder' of life as mothers and workers.

Their latest thought piece is about China and Russia potentially taking over the world, while America is consumed with debates over non-violent trans citizens and 'totally immoral', child-damaging drag queens.

This is all while America faces a housing crisis, high crime and drug use, and total neglect of the two biggest dictatorships on Earth.

"China and Russia have many laughs about the conservatives destroying America," said Mary Murphy, lead writer of the article.

"Seeing Trump and DeSantis go at each other like mad dogs fighting over a scrap of meat elicits many a chuckle in Beijing and Moscow," she said.

"We also have no worker housing, also high drug use and crime, but apparently so many M.P.s have cross-dressing or other secrets (mistresses, etc.) that there is not a peep about prosecuting transgenders or drag queens in England."

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