Movie review of 'Lars, Headhunter'

Funny story written by Martin Jaeger

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

If there's one movie I can't recommend, it's 'LARS, HEADHUNTER.'

At first, I thought it was about cannibals, and looked forward to an evening of tribesmen feasting on humans with those cute tiny skulls. But no, it wasn't about a good old massacre of whites in some African Country. No, it wasn't about tying a missionary to a post, pouring molasses on him, and watching him getting devoured by red ants.

It's not about that kind of headhunter. It's about an employment agency. I don't see anything gory about that, or exciting. They're just getting jobs for people. People dumb enough to get fired or laid off.

Well, I sat through the movie for nearly 20 minutes before I got fed up with all that goody-goody stuff.

"Look,here," Matilde Horn, the lead actress (and boy is that a joke) said,"I've got a job for you. You start at McDonald as a server. Isn't that great?"

Great, if you like syrupy endings.

Can you believe the guy, a degree in Engineering, 3 kids, and a sick mother, grabbed that job. Isn't that sick?

I could see it was going to have a happy ending. Ugh!

Movie Review by Jason Pell

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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