GOP leaders held a press conference after the news that job growth continued to expand dramatically under Democratic guidance. John Boehner surrounded by Ted Cruz and other Tea Party notables announced today:
"This president with his pro growth policies is forcing folks back to work to make his Libtards look good before the 2016 election!"
Washington reporter Candy Cookie asked him; " Are you saying these 'Folks' do not want to be gainfully employed Mr. Speaker?"
"Hell no!" said Boehner and went on: "These folks are basically very happy to sit home and live off the fat of the land and watch TV all day thanks to the liberal agenda and now they are being forced to get off their butts and go to work just so Obama can save his legacy and fire up The Libtards for 2016!"
Candy asked; "So Mr. Speaker the GOP would rather have higher unemployment? THAT is your policy?"
Boehner concluded; "Damn right! All we've ever asked for is a level playing field from Obama!"