Oil & Votes

Funny story written by Day

Monday, 21 July 2008

Bin-en-lad the popular Middle East trendsetter is by all accounts going to change his name. I met Lad-en-Bin for a top secret interview just last weekend in a hotel just on the border with a place that sells poppies.

My first question was "Is it true you are thinking of changing your name?" His answer was "Yes."

I asked him why? He said that "I am fed up of people thinking I'm black."

I asked him "was he referring to the oil business?" He replied "I have nothing to do with the price of oil."

Then Nib-en-lad said to me, "listen, what do you know about some black dude that has been using my name to get elected of some son of a bitch country with more oil than BP?"

I told him "I have never heard of this Black Person, but BP is a company."

Thus with the interview over I shook hands with Jack Straw.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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