Every since I stumbled across this website I feel that I've found a new home among family and friends. I would like to take this opportunity to let you know just what being here means to a man like J.O. Here's the list…
10. I get to write what I truly feel and nobody thinks I'm crazy because the stories are
supposed to be whacky.
9. It helps me get chicks by telling them I'm a published author.
8. Was promised a minor role in SPOOF, The Movie by webmaster exec's.
7. The pay puts me into a much higher tax bracket.
6. Doubles as an excuse for 'working late.'
5. Relieves the pressure from my sub-dural hematoma.
4. The web page's red color highlights my blood-shot eyes from staying up all night
writing for The Spoof.
3. Gives me something to fall back on when I get fired from my real job for using their
computer for my own personal pleasure.
2. It helps keep the voices in my head quiet.
And the number 1 reason Johnny Ovaltine loves The Spoof is…