Everyone deserves a second chance...or do they? This is the premise of a controversial new reality show to air in the autumn. The show's contestants are made up of a group of social pariahs who, most would agree are beyond the pale, and many would believe to be beyond redemption. The final line-up has yet to be confirmed, but so far include: an African warlord, a convicted sex offender, a Bosnian war criminal, a serial killer and a retired Mafia hit-man.
An executive said, "We're really excited about the programme. As always, we are plumbing new depths- I mean, pushing new boundaries! -in Televisual entertainment. We expect the show to be a great success!"
Bosnian war Criminal Radslav Geiger hopes that the show will help people to see a different side to him. He said of the show, "I want people to look past the War Criminal tag and get to know the real me. You murder a couple of hundred innocent civilians and that's all people focus on, yet there's so much more to Radslav Geiger. Did you know in my spare time I like to bake miniature cupcakes? I bet you didn't! People always focus on the negative."
Each week the contestants will take part in a series of Apprentice style challenges. The first episode sees the contestants trying to raise money for a children's hospital, in another, they help out at a women's refuge.
The climax of each show will be a grilling from a panel of expert judges that will feature: former Radio 1 DJ Mike Reed, Andy from Cbeebies and Second Chance's mister nasty, Archbishop John Sentamu. The contestants will have to convince the panel that they have truly mended their ways, and one will have to face the dreaded "walk of shame", before being returned to solitary confinement for the rest of their natural lives.
The stakes are high, as the winning contestant will received a generous cash prize as well as the key to the City of York.
The new show will be presented by TV's mister tact and diplomacy, Russell Brand.