BBC radio producers got a sharp poke in the eye last night when an Archers star they killed off picked up a top broadcasting gong.
Graham Seed, who played Nigel Pargetter for 27 years, was voted Broadcaster of the Year at the Broadcasting Press Guild awards.
There was uproar in January when Pargetter was killed off in the long-running radio drama. Now fans are pressing for him to brought back to life.
Said a source close to someone who knows the actor: "Graham's far too decent a chap to say anything, but this is a pair of fingers stuck up at those idiots at the BBC!
"You might say that people who care have taken this bizarre decision to kill Pargetter off and shoved it right down the throats of the Archers producers.
"Now it's time for those plonkers to come to their senses and bring him back to life. It's been done before - Bobby in Dallas waking up in the shower, for example.
"Show some bloody imagination - it's fiction after all."