Taylor Lautner Decks Robert Pattinson!

Funny story written by Bureau

Sunday, 7 November 2010

image for Taylor Lautner Decks Robert Pattinson!
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A smoldering argument between Taylor Lautner came to a head yesterday when Robert Pattinson gave Taylor Lautner a chest bump and got decked for his trouble!

(See 'Kristen Stewart Tells Taylor Lautner Her Sexual Fantasies')

What has happened to the two usually easy-going actors from the Twilight movies?

As previously reported here in The West Coast Post, Pattinson had received a call from best gal Kristen Stewart and they were deep into a conversation when the doorbell rang and Pattinson, thinking Kristen was through describing some sexy stuff, handed the phone to Lautner.

However, it seems that Kristen never heard Pattinson say 'here's Taylor, I gotta answer the door' because she was in the middle of a honeymoon description.

So Taylor Lautner tried to butt in at first but then got a thrill at listening to the sexy lady talking.

Yesterday Pattinson had finally heard what had happened from his embarrassed girlfriend. He confronted Taylor Lautner and Lautner told him that he had honestly tried to cut off the conversation but, like any ordinary male, just kept listening. He then apologized but got an unfriendly chest bump (unlike the friendly football kind) and Lautner launched a haymaker.

Before Pattinson could retaliate, the two were separated by some of the werewolves, vampires and stage hands.

Afterward, the two did settle down and Pattinson admitted he might have acted the same way if the roles had been reversed.

When told of this, Lautner replied, "Glad to hear it. I DID apologize. (Laughed). I guess I shouldn't pick a fight with the descendant of Vlad the Impaler."

Where will it go from here? Keep reading the West Coast Post.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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