It has just been released in an interview with Taylor Swift that she and actor Taylor Lautner had planned to elope early this year but changed their minds at the last minute.
Taylor was being interviewed for a TV Special and she let the secret out. Now she believes her parents will be furious with her.
"We had it all planned. We were going to France but have a quick ceremony with some friends as witnesses. If we had planned a big wedding, it would have gotten out of hand, so we were just going to get married and leave for Paris', Swift told ABC's Robin Roberts.
What went wrong?
Since the information from Taylor Swift was at the end of the interview until "Part 2" the next day and we could hear no more till then, we finally got a word from Taylor Lautner.
"She told Roberts? Well, I guess it's out now. Get ready for the headlines."
What went wrong?
"We even had the plane tickets and someone to do the ceremony but the first person we asked refused and we had a long talk together. He was a friend of Taylor and he has kept the whole thing quiet but he told her to think about how it would affect her parents and my own family."
"So we decided to let the plans go for now. But if it happens, it won't be an elopement."
Lautner showed us a card that they were going to send out to family & friends from Paris. One that was to go to the families stated "Yeah, WE DID IT!" and one to the friends "YEAH, WE DID IT...12 TIMES SO FAR!"
This is Tollie Willson for The West Coast Post!