Kristen Stewart Tells Taylor Lautner Her Sexual Fantasies

Funny story written by Bureau

Thursday, 4 November 2010


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image for Kristen Stewart Tells Taylor Lautner Her Sexual Fantasies

Robert Pattinson apparently called up Kristen this past weekend and they began talking about their future together and all the great things they would enjoy together as man and wife.

However, Taylor Launtner is visiting Pattinson as they are discussing some redo shots in the last Twilight movie.

So Pattinson is on the phone with Kristen when Pattinson hears the doorbell and hands Taylor the phone until he can go see who it is.

Meanwhile, Kristen Stewart does not know there has been a switch, and as soon as Lautner picks up the phone Kristen is really into her and Pattinson sex relations in the near future.

"Honestly, I tried to tell her that I wasn't Robert but she is still talking and after awhile, I don't want to hang up. In fact, I mumble a few words every once in awhile. Boy does this lady know some great stuff. She must be studying the Penthouse letters."

Finally, lautner hears Pattinson come back in and he hands him the phone.

"It's like they took it right up from there, although did seem puzzled at first and look at me."

Lautner then to some friends who let us in on the story..for a little cash.

"Lucky Pattinson", he added, while shaking his head.

This is Paul Merrydith for The West Coast Post.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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