Todd Lasance and Nadine Gerrard have confirmed they married on Monday.
Writing on her twitter site on Monday night , Gerrard wrote "You're looking at Mrs Lasance.. Knew we cud keep it secret till we were married lol" before continuing 30 minutes later "No fuss.! Me, Todd, Parents and Siblings..! AND NO LEAKS".
Numerous sources have since claimed the couple didn't marry on Monday, but instead used it as an cover for their actual wedding later this year. One said "Nadine and Todd didn't marry this week. They think if they claimed to get married on Monday, they wouldn't have press interest when they do get married later in the year."
However, a spokesman said today "Nadine and Todd did marry on Monday. It is not a cover story for a wedding later in the year. They have signed a marriage certificate and Nadine has changed her name to Nadine Lasance. She will continue to work under her maiden name Nadine Gerrard. It was a small private occasion with just Nadine and Todd's parents and siblings. No more comments or information will be told about the couple or their wedding."
The couple haven't spoken about the marriage since Gerrard wrote the twitter comments on the night of their wedding.