Singer Bjork Calls Lady Gaga Phony Weirdo

Funny story written by Charpa93

Friday, 16 July 2010

image for Singer Bjork Calls Lady Gaga Phony Weirdo

The latest celebrity to come right out and question the authenticity of Lady Gaga's weirdness is the queen of weird herself, Bjork. Bjork was in New York to perform a few intimate gigs in the Village when someone asked her what she thought about Lady Gaga.

"Oh, I don't know," said Bjork. "She's a bit weird I guess, but really, nothing like my weirdness. My weirdness has always been a natural weirdness. I didn't have to think up ways to be more weird. My weirdness just progressed, is still progressing as we speak," she said while climbing wolf boy-like up on the desk and crouching with her hands between her knees, snarling.

Asked to elaborate, Bjork continued. "Well, Gaga has to work at her weirdness and it doesn't go unnoticed to the trained eye. It's just a pop kinda weirdness, superficial, awkward. It doesn't come from a dark place at all.

All that black netting and padding in the oddest places, and her penchant for making people wonder about her gender. What's that all about? If you're androgynous, then act like it, you know? I personally think Lady Gaga is plastic. Remember the plastic people of the 70's? That's what I see Gaga as. She's gonna fizzle out soon because there is nothing to back up her weirdness. Me, on the other hand, I'm gonna be immortalized as the weirdest performer of my time just because nature intended it to be that way."

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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