Although Robert Pattinson says that it would be a very interesting project to have a Twilight Prequel, he has decided that he would not be in it.
Coming on the heels of Kristen Stewart's announcement yesterday that she wasn't interested, this did not come as much of a surprise.
"We don't want to get into a 'Star Trek' type mode on this", stated Stewart. "I want to be identified as an actress, not Uhura or Spock forever. Maybe if I were older but not now."
Pattinson stated that he thinks the final Twilight coming up will end it at the right time.
"Like the very best TV series, I don't want to see this drawn out. That would have to be a money thing and I want our hard work to be remembered as it is."
When asked if he and Kristen would still enjoy playing together, he answered "We don't need a movie to do that. We get together and play all the time."