Hitting all the Hollywood news sites today was a report that there were many photographs taken of the autopsy of Michael Jackson that the Los Angeles Police Department are holding unto and that tabloids are bidding up the price for them to be released.
When we called to confirm or deny that the photos exist, the L.A. Police Department spokesman said that there WERE such photos but that they were in the hands of the Los Angeles District Attorney.
The said "shocking'" photos were taken during the process of an autopsy to find out exactly what killed the Pop legend.
So we next called the D.A.'s office and you guessed it, "the LA Police Department are in charge of those."
One source who finally needed some cash told us to beware "Bogus Photos" that claim to be that of Michael Jackson's autopsy. "They have become desperate for the pics and are using trick camera work viewing the autopsy of some unknown person and making it look like Michael."
We were assured that none of the photos had been lost or stolen or sneaked out while either the police or the DA had them.
Meanwhile, would fans want to actually want to SEE these? Apparently, some are wagering $5 million dollars that they would.