In a series of tapes being released by an Australian tabloid it shows that Michael Jackson was deeply under the influence of prescription drugs.
The recordings show the star longing for a comeback and wanting the press to leave him alone about his kids and Neverland. He also seems to be in need of money or thinks that he is.
"On the one hand you have a person who needs publicity....but also hates it", stated Joseph Marovitch, editor of The Underground Outback, a weekly tabloid.
Marovitch stated that no one had to take their word for what they were saying, as he has copies of the telephone calls that he had purchased.
"More than anything else, Jackson seems confused. We think it's the prescription drugs that he got hooked on for pain years ago."
Marovitch, who had recently interviewed Lisa Marie Presley, stated, "It seems that anyone around that little gal soon gets on the prescription drugs. Look at her dad, Elvis, and she was only nine. I think that if I were around her for any amount of time, I would be too."