Jesse James / Kate Gosselin Sex Tape Revealed

Funny story written by P.M. Wortham

Wednesday, 7 April 2010


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image for Jesse James / Kate Gosselin Sex Tape Revealed
Bad cell phone video, leads to big hits on Ewe-Tube

While Sandra Bullock had scoffed at the existence of a sex tape between herself and nearly estranged hubby, Jesse James, one reportedly may exist between the motorcycle bad boy and Kate Gosselin.

Kate Gosselin, now infamous for her treatment of former husband and fertilization phenomenon, Jon, has continued her dominatrix ways while huffing and puffing around the stage of Dancing with the Skanks. Reportedly attracted to exactly this type of abuse, James was reportedly seen with Gosselin on three occasions, cuddled in the back couch area of a nearby biker bar.

Caught by bad quality cell phone video and posted recently on Ewe-Tube, the fledgling video forum for freaks who enjoy sex with sheep, a woman resembling Gosselin was seen attempting to provide some oral erotica to the famed biker. Seconds into the action, the man who appears to be James yells, "Damn it woman, easy on the teeth". Apparently finishing the job, the woman stood up and punched James in the face. The man was reported to reply, "That's the way I like baby, hit me again".

"Well, he was wearing Wayfarers and a bandana over most of his head, but it looked like him", said the owner of Bob's Soft Tail Lounge, Bob Firaples. Others who witnessed the incident believed that the tattoos on the man resembled those seen on James before. No one in the bar questioned that the woman with bad social and anger-management skills was indeed Gosselin.

Authenticity of the video remains in question, as does the identity of the pair engaged in the lewd behavior in the back corner of the bar, though those who witnessed the event have no doubt. "She throws a pretty mean right cross, and his voice was a bit whiney. It must have been them", says bar regular, Dwena Baksyde. "Besides, she's got no technique. Give me 5 minutes with that boy and I'll show him was a rough ride really means."

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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