In a shocking turn of events at The Greatest Only-est Online Susa-show on Earth (GOOSE), forum administrator Jack Schiedt placed a two-week ban upon himself for violating one of his own rules.
Admin Schiedt realized, only after posting, that one of the photographs in a web page linked from a web page to which he had linked in a footnote to a forum post might possibly be construed as mockery of Susan Boyle fans employed in the medical industry and living in Denver.
"I had no choice," said Schiedt. "It's clearly in violation of Rule Number 42, Section C, Paragraph 7, clearly stated in the Rules--or will be, as soon as I lift the ban on myself and can post again."
As it turns out, Schiedt had not yet gotten around to posting the newly-drafted rule before he violated it, which, he admits, leaves him in a bit of a bind: Under terms of his ban upon himself, he will not be able to post the new rule for a fortnight. "I can only imagine the nightmare mess of violations which will be awaiting me, and my Banning Powers, upon my return to the board."
Given his denial of access to the board, it is not clear how Schiedt intends to lift the denial of access upon himself.
GOOSE has a self-estimated membership of approximately 538,000, with an active participation numbering approximately 27.