New darling of the religious self-righteous wing of the Neo-Conservative movement, Sarah Palin has been hanging out in the prayer meetings and juice bars frequented by her biggest supporters.
That appears to be where the trouble started. As McCain ignored Palin and his campaign leaders called her a diva and a whack job, the Alaskan diva whacko started spending more and more time in the LoveJesus Dives and Stop Choice Smoke shop drive ins.
On one particularly desperate night when Palin's popularity numbers approached the negative celsius degree range more common in the Artic circle than in the lower 48, Palin stayed up late with a pretty rough bunch of Southern Baptists. When the VPILF woke up in the morning to the flash and snap of the medias photographers, she had her eye brows shaved off and 2012 carved into her forehead.
Southern Baptist cult leader Lovey Jesus Blade told the spoof.appalled that carvings was one of the ways fundies show their Christian live.