An actor, famed for his tantrums has given a savage review a mixed review himself.
The actor, who was big in the 1970's, and is even bigger now (He says it is genetic)tore apart a review of his latest play.
'Coasting on past glories, this reviewer clearly remembers the review he wrote yesterday for the nationals, and is letting the lack of time, and his own ego get in the way of his own critical faculties.
In a child, a performance of this calibre would have been lamentable, but in an adult it is clearly an embarrasment. There is no discernible plot, no characterisation, and no empathy. There are grammatical!!£^& errors and spelling mistkaes all over the plcea. Sir, if you are being paid for this, I would respectfully suggest that you stop!!'
This review appeared in the late editions of yesterday's papers.