The home office has stated that expensive translation services will no longer be offered to those who do not speak English.
This seems fair, after all, immigrants should be expected to learn our language. If we visit these foreign countries and shout "gottni fags" we expect them to understand. If not, we just shout louder "YERGOTNI FAGS ORWOT"
We all know the Cantonese for 'Special Fried Rice with steamed vegetables' This is 'Number 37'.
However, there are some present challenges for the service which will, in future, be unavailable to the general public, especially in the Magistrates Court.
We now present a typical example of this task.
"Like am gutted, enneye, nowarra meen innit, amgobsmacked an carn getmi eddi roundit, like yerwot, wacha luckin at like, enno merites dunneye"
Translated as; "I disagree"