Due to popular demand, The Daily Show hosted by Jon Stewart has been replaced by the 24/7 "All Ron Paul Show".
The producers of the show issued a terse statement: "We caved in to popular demand, ok. Now leave us alone. They demanded Ron Paul all the time. They wouldn't let up. Now they have him - 24/7. Just leave us alone!"
Fans of the show were incensed but Ron Paul supporters were ecstatic. Many rushed the studio and commandeered all the seats almost as if hypnotized.
"Jon was reluctant to have him on," said a close associate who asked not to be named for fear of retribution, "Not funny stuff. Constitution, you know."
But Paul zealots would not relent.
"Jon resisted the tsunami - even laughed at it - then it rolled over him and he didn't have time to even grab a towel. He just ran naked up the beach terrified like the rest of us. Lucky Jeb and I were having drinks in the restaurant on the 18th floor. We were shocked and stunned.
"We watched the whole thing from up there, horrified. The last I saw was Jon's white ass bobbing in the surf floating out to sea. Then - I think it was a shark came and ... well, better he went that way - yeah, Jon would have wanted it that way. But anyway, we think 'The All Ron Paul Show' is going to be a mega hit! Very excited about it. Very."
In other developments, no body has been found as yet, but everyone is hopeful...well, except Ron. (ABC)